Seek and Save.

The past few months, expenses were way out of our hands. Nope. We didn’t splurge on shopping or anything unnecessary. We just need to renew our house lease and renew the car insurance and registration, usual expenses for Ellie and some emergency stuff that we need to buy like new house lock and small things…

Can I really do it?

Can I really do it? My mom needed to renew her visa so I took off from work for 2 days turned 3. I was left at home to take care of Ellie and do household chores like the usual stay-at-home mothers.  First day, I was giddy excited. I woke up early prepared meals, did…

Toddler Toothbrush(ing) Routine

Ellie’s teeth is almost complete.Sooner or later her teething woes will come to an end.  When is the right time for her to brush her teeth? Is it now? or should  wait until she turns two or three or I really don’t know. We want to take good care of her teeth. I checked out…

Ellie got a new bath rituals :)

There’s a sudden change of weather here in UAE and I noticed that Ellie’s skin is getting flaky (red flag here) and she is becoming scratchy and irritable every time she is feeling itchy. On one of my posts I shared with you the soaps and lotions she is using which is under the brand…